How I Set Up Network Monitoring on my Home Network Using Uptime-Kuma, a Free Open Source Tool

How I Set Up Network Monitoring on my Home Network Using Uptime-Kuma, a Free Open Source Tool

Monitor your applications, servers, websites, and more using Uptime Kuma. You can even have it send notifications to your phone!

Cas Spicer · 3 minute read

I set up Network Monitoring on my home network using a free, open-source tool called Uptime Kuma - based on Network Chuck's tutorial here. I encourage you to try this too! Here's how:

  1. Create a new folder - I named mine uptimekuma.

  2. Using the command line, navigate into that folder (cd uptimekuma)


  1. Verify you have Docker installed using the command docker version.

If you're already accustomed to using docker desktop native app on your device, I recommend opening the app.

If you're new to Docker and don't have it installed, I recommend installing the Docker Desktop native app, or, if you're on a Windows PC you may want to follow Network Chuck's method (he sets up a Linode cloud server to use the Uptime Kuma app featured in Linode). In the video he also uses an on-premises server in his home lab, but you can simply use your own computer as your server. He runs sudo apt install -y to install docker, then sudo apt docker-compose -y` to install Docker Compose.

What is Docker? Docker is a tool/platform you can use to create, deploy, and run programs inside containers. A Docker container is like a nice, compact package that contains the program and everything needed to run the program (code, runtime, library, framework, etc.) .

What is Docker Compose? Docker Compose is a tool that comes with Docker. It helps you manage your containers by configuring your docker setup in a single YAML file.

Once you've installed both, you can move on to the next step.

  1. Next, you'll notice NetworkChuck creates a nano file in his folder (his is called mykuma) and simply copies and pastes in the docker/docker-compose.yml file, saves, then runs command sudo docker-compose up -d. Note: The docker/docker-compose.yml file is available in the Uptime Kuma Github Repo. .


I tried this method, but it didn't quite work for me on my Mac. Instead, I simply copied and pasted the install command from the github repo:

docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v uptime-kuma:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1

  1. You can run command sudo docker ps to view all your docker containers currently running. If you see the newly added uptime-kuma container, you're in business!


Navigate to port 3001 in your browser and voila! You should see the Uptime Kuma 'Create Account' page.

  1. Once you're logged in, you can start adding anything you want to monitor. Websites, apps, cloud servers, even Docker containers. I tried setting up email alerts to my gmail account, but gmail's security settings didn't like them very much. I found it much easier and a better experience overall to set up alerts to my Discord - I simply created a new channel in my personal page called 'Alerts and Notifications' and sent the alerts there. Now, I receive a notification directly to my phone when uptime kuma detects an outage.


If you restart your computer and need to re-initialize your Uptime Kuma docker container, simply open up the Docker Desktop native app and log in, then navigate back into your folder from the command line and run command: docker start.

To view all of your docker containers, simply run command: sudo docker ps -a.

Definitely try out this very valuable and easy-to-use tool to start monitoring your applications, websites, and more!